Do you ever look down at your neck and wonder what Cuban link chain would look best on you? Do you have trouble deciding between the different Cuban link sizes and styles? If so, don't worry – you're not alone.
Choosing the perfect Cuban link sizes for your neck can be tricky, but it's worth taking the time to get it right.
In this article, we'll give you a few tips on how to choose the perfect cuban link size for your neck and show you some of our favorite options. Let's get started!
Have You thought About Getting Yourself a Cuban Necklace?
As we all know, the Miami-Cuban link is prevalent among hot rapper celebrities. If you're interested in buying a Cuban link, you may have a million questions.
As the logistics begin to fall into place, you may wonder: how do I choose the right cuban link sizes to purchase? And what guidance and tools do you use when measuring your neck?
Standard Cuban Link Chain Sizes (Thicknesses or Widths)
Cuban Link Size contains the width and thickness of the chain. First, when we say "chain thickness," we mean the width of the necklace links, measured in millimeters from side to side (mm).
The most common chains have a thickness of between 1 and 2 mm. We would say that these are "standard-sized" chains that go well with both formal and casual outfits.
Keep the chain under your shirt if you're going to an official event. Depending on how lengthy your chain is and how casual your outfit is, it could be on the outside of your shirt.
You can also find chains with widths between 3 and 6 mm. More metal means more money, so the heavier your chain is, the more it will cost. This is true whether you want a gold plated or pure gold chain.
Not as many people wear Cuban chains 7mm or bigger, but you can still get them if you know how to look. For example, this 10mm Cuban Link Chain can also be worn with great effect.
So, to sum up, the widths of the most widespread chains range from 1mm - 8mm, with 1-2mm being the most common, and 6mm is probably the easiest to carry without looking like a rapper or hip hop artist.
The 2mm chain is about the same thickness as the wire in your headphones. The 6mm Cuban chain is about the same thickness as a pencil.
What Cuban Link Chain Sizes Should You Buy?
Among the first things, About Cuban link sizes, you'll want to think about is the width and length of the chain. First, let's talk about width. The width of most Cuban link chains can be anywhere from 3mm to 20mm, and the size you choose will depend on a few things.
How Big of a Statement Do You Want to Make?
Some people like a broader width to look like they are in control just by how they look. But bear in mind that the weight increases as the width increases.
If you wish to stand out or make a big statement, choose a Cuban link chain with a width of 15 mm or more.
If You Do Not Desire to Draw Attention Away from The Rest of Your Outfit.
Stick to smaller widths if you like a chain's strength and don't need a bigger one.
We recommend that you wear a lot of smaller chains and stack them up. Here we recommend the 9mm Cuban chain.
If you don't know what width/mm means, don't worry. Below is a Cuban link size chart that shows how vast the chains are:

Suppose you are thinking about proportion and what looks best on you. In that case, this is what we suggest: thinner guys can wear Cuban chains that are somewhere around 1mm to 4mm wide, while wider guys should wear thicker chains.
How Do You Choose the Best Length of a Cuban Chain?
Now let us discuss the length of the Cuban link chain.
Even though hanging chains from the 1980s and 1990s come back into fashion now and then, most people now wear chains that hang just below the neck. In this scenario, about Cuban link sizes, we suggest chains that are shorter for now.
For instance, you can buy a Cuban link between 18 - 22 inches long, which will hang between the bottom of the neck and the bottom of the chest. It will remain in place and still be long enough to prove to have a good necklace.
If it's too short, it will appear like a choker, whereas if it is too long, it might look a little old-fashioned for the current style.

What Is the Best Width of a Chain to Wear a Pendant?
How big it makes a difference. You want your chain to have the same visual weight as your pendant.
A Few General Rules:
Your Cuban chain could be as thin as 1mm for the smallest pendants, which are about 0.5 inches wide at their widest point.
If the size of your pendant is between a quarter and a half dollar, the thickness of your chain ought to be between 3 and 5 mm.
You can wear pendants that are 3 inches long on chains that are 6mm or thicker.
Of course, these are just rough estimates. You'll have to put your chains and pendants together in person to see what you like best. This will give you at least a place to start.
How To Figure Out the Length of a Gold Plated Cuban Link Chain.
You're about to buy the perfect gold Cuban link chain. But there's one problem: you don't know what length to get.
You don't want it to be too short or too long, but just perfect. Luckily, there's a simple way to estimate the length you need.
Just cut a piece of thread to the required length. Measure the thread and choose the chain with the correct length.
Keep in mind that the final length could be slightly longer than the chain length as the chain length does not include the pendant.
With this simple trick, you'll be sure to find the perfect gold Cuban link chain for your style.
How Can You Predict the Weight of a Cuban Link Chain Before Buying?
Due to their thick links, Cuban link chains are often considered to be the heaviest type of chain available on the market.
However, before you purchase a Cuban link chain, it is essential to predict the weight of the chain to ensure that it is not too heavy for you to wear comfortably.
The weight of a Cuban link chain will depend on Cuban link sizes. To predict the weight of a Cuban link chain, simply weigh any other object around your neck that you want the Cuban link chain to be as heavy as.
The exact weight of the chain may differ, but this should give you a general idea of how much the chain will weigh.
The Best Chain Length for Your Height and Body Type
If you want a brand new Cuban link chain, you should know how to select a suitable length chain for your body.
Men should wear chains that are approximately 20 inches long. Most of the time, the length will fall between his first and second shirt buttons. So, the necklace won't be long and will not get tangled in the shirt collar.
The length must also be based on his height, the shape of his face, and the size of his neck. A man can figure out what size chain to wear in a few different ways.
With the tips below, you'll be able to pick out a Cuban chain that looks really good on your body.
First, Get Your Height.
Cuban link sizes and height are related; if you are around 5'4" and feel like it makes you look heavier, you can choose an 18-inch.
If you are taller, carry chains that are 24 inches or longer. The shorter the chain, the lesser of a statement it makes.
Then, Figure Out What Shape Your Face Is.
If you have a big body, choose a 22-inch chain.
How long a chain and Cuban link size is depends a lot on the shape of your face. Experts say that short chains can make your face look broader but shorter than it actually is because they hide your features.
Medium-length chains look good on round faces as they make your face look longer and give your neck more length.
Longer chains look great on round faces since they make a face look longer and slimmer.
Last, Think About How Long Your Neck Is.
Long necklaces can be worn by men with long necks.
Final Thoughts
So, what are the best Cuban link sizes for you? It really depends on your neck size and personal preference.
If you want a more delicate look, go with a smaller-sized chain. If you want something that makes a statement, go with a thicker chain or multiple chains of different sizes.
No matter what size Cuban link necklace you choose, make sure it fits your personality and style. Have fun experimenting with different sizes and styles until you find the perfect Cuban link sizes.
At MixxChains, if you're looking for a chunky Cuban link necklace or something sleeker, we've got the perfect size for your neck.
With our wide variety of sizes and styles, you can find the perfect Cuban link necklace and the right Cuban link sizes for any outfit. Don't wait any longer – browse our selection today!
Finally attached video explanation: